Thursday, April 28, 2011

Income tax filing woes... What's new, babe?

It's not as if I didn't know the deadline to submit my tax returns is at the end of April.
And it's not as if I had to do it myself, as both Ayah and I have engaged tax agents to file everything for us. Mine is based in Rawang, while Ayah is asking our company secretary to do it for him as this is the first time he has to submit returns for our company (for medical consultancy and services) AND for his personal incomes.

But, still I had to wait until 3:00pm today to fax all the necessary statements to the agents (who must be cursing like crazy today as I'm sure we are not the only procrastinators on their clients list!)

Anyway, by 4:00pm, (talk about efficient service!)I received a phonecall from my tax agent informing me that she had done the calculations and I don't have to pay anything for last year's income. In fact LHDN owes me money! YEAYYY!! Well, it's not much coz' my gaji pun bukannya banyak mana pun - chiput jer... But, lepaslah kot satu Coach handbag... (hahaha!) Syukur alhamdulillah :)

So now we're waiting with bated breaths for Ayah's tax agent to come back to us... Hopefully, they can somehow come up with ways to get as many exemptions for Ayah, and get him to pay as minimal as possible.

If not, our year end vacation might have to wait...

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