Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Laporan anak-anak...

* I actually drafted this two weeks ago, but was tied up with stuff and just could not follow it through at one seating. So, it might be a bit outdated, but alang-alang dah ada dalam my Draft box, why not just post it, kan? :)

Laporan Anak #1

Ayah and I went to Sri Aman Open Day to collect Hanna's report on 23rd June (Thursday) morning.

CGP of 3.61, and 7th in her class. She got 5th in her last test.

Not too bad, I guess, but her teacher - Pn Illyanie, said Hanna could do better. She could even be in the Top 3, in fact.

So, Ayah asked her how Hanna is in class generally, and what can she do to improve her grades. And Pn Illyanie said,

"Hmmm... Hanna ni banyak cakap in class... (Errr... Tell us something we don't know already, please? Hehehe...) But, bila ditanya soalan, dia memang boleh jawab. And bila saya tanya Cikgu-cikgu lain pun semua cakap macam tu. Hanna boleh bawak semua subjects - tak der masalah. Kalau kurang sikit bercakap, insya Allah lagi okay... Macam this time - banyak cakap pun, results ok...".

Errr... If you say so, Pn Illyanie... :)

Anyway, we went on to ask Pn Illyanie if she thinks Hanna has been so distracted with all her Club activities in the last couple of months (she's running for President of Sri Aman Interact Club, and also Treasurer for PRS, and has been actively involved in all sorts of Interact and PRS activities, and sports practice, too).

And Pn Illyanie said that it is quite normal for Sri Aman's Form Four students to go all out in all their club activities, and they would give all in whatever tasks and responsibilities given to them, and those who are active would more often than not, see a dip in their grades in Form Four.

Pn Illyanie assured us that once the students give up their posts in the Clubs when they're in Form Five, then insya Allah their grades would improve tremendously after that and they would do very well for their SPM, insya Allah.

I hope so, Pn Illyanie... I hope Hanna is one of them. I seriously hope so...

Laporan Anak-anak #2 and #3

All of us went out of the house at 6:45am on Friday (24th July) morning.

We had asked Zaidy to start work at 6:30am today instead of his usual 9:30am/10:00am reason being we were going to Hasya and Hilman's Report Card Day. If Ayah were to drive, it'll be near to impossible to find parking at the school, especially this time the school had scheduled the Open day for BOTH sesi pagi and petang in the morning.

Anyway, Zaidy dropped us and Hasya Hilman off outside the school at 7:15pm, and off he went to send Hanna to Sri Aman.

As we were early (the perjumpaan with the Guru Kelas was supposed to start at 8:00am), Ayah and I decided to have breakfast at the canteen first.

By 7:45pm, we noticed that some of the parents had started to queue up in front of the classrooms, and some had even seen the teachers, so, we made our way to Hasya's class first.

Her class teacher is Puan Usha who was also Hanna's class teacher when she was in Standard 6.

Syukur alhamdulillah, Hasya got all As. But, for placing in class she got #4. It has become a pattern for Hasya from Standard 1 to fare better in her finals than her mid-year exams, so we were half expecting that. She would normally get #1 or #2 for her finals, and the lowest she had gotten for her mid-year so far was #5. So, this is still within her expected range.

Anyway, we were told by Puan Usha that Hasya is doing well, and she should not have any problems maintaining her As for her UPSR. Insya Allah...

And when we asked Puan Usha, how she is in class, whether she's playful or talkative, etc., the reply we got was,

"No, she's okay! She's not as talkative as Hanna... (Hahaha! Hanna really has a reputation of being talkative both in her primary and secondary schools! Aiyoooo... :))) Hasya participates in class and is always enthusiastic in whatever she does. She's a well-rounded girl - and she does well in her studies and also she's very active in her co-curriculum activities, too. There are students who score, but, that's it. They just study".

So, we take it that Hasya should be fine and should improve on her low As by the time she sits for her UPSR, insya Allah :)

Next we went to Hilman's class and sat down with Encik Suhaidi, his class teacher.

And guess what? The first thing Encik Suhaidi asked was, "Kakak Hilman, Hanna apa khabar?" (Aiyoooo... Kan I dah kata Anak #1 tu famous... LOL!!!)

Anyway, Hilman got 4As and 1B (for Science, which is his favorite subject - which he got Hadiah Matapelajaran Terbaik every year). So, we asked Encik Suhaidi if Hilman had any problem following the subject in class in Tahun 5?

The answer we got was that the questions were quite hard and only 2 students got A for Science, and the fact that Hilman got a very high B for Science meant that we should not be too overly concerned. Hilman should be able to do well in the subject, insya Allah. According to Encik Suhaidy, if based on his marks, Hilman is second in his class, but because there are 2 of his classmates who got 5As, Hilman is therefore ranked #3.

And the standard question on how our kids are doing in class was also asked :)

And Encik Suhaidy said this,

"Hilman ni, kira macam jadi contoh lah dalam kelas. Memang selalu participate in class and selalu nak jawab soalan. Sampai kadang-kadang saya kena cakap kat dia, 'Hilman tak dibenarkan jawab soalan ni!" (HAHAHAHA! That is SO Hilman! :))

Encik Suhaidy went on to say -

"And Hilman suka bertanya. Apa yang dia tak faham, dia tak segan bertanya. Kadang-kadang saya pun tak boleh nak jawab and kena minta dia berjumpa dengan saya selepas kelas...(Hehehee... That's our Hilman alright!) Generally, Hilman ni bagus dan budak yang baik. Insya Allah dia tak ada masalah nanti..."

Syukur alhamdulillah... Insya Allah :)

So, I'm quite happy with the reports from the teachers, and I know, if we were to look at the previous patterns, both Hasya and Hilman will fare better in their finals nanti, insya Allah...

Errrr... But, for Ayah -

In Hasya's case, it does not matter if Hasya is more active in all the co-curriculum activities compared to her friends who got #1 and #2, she should still get #1.

And in Hilman's case, if there are two students in his class who could score A for Science, Hilman should have also gotten an A! Whether the questions were hard or not, is irrelevant.

** Adoyaiiii... Kesian lah anak-anak yang bapaknya high achiever nih...Hehehe!*


Anonymous said...

salam puan, saya nih silent reader blog puan dan saya suka sgt baca pasal anak2 puan yg semuanya berjaya. saya ada 3 org anak....yg selalunya kena dipaksa belajar. kalau tak suruh tak buat. mereka tidak dikategorikan bodoh tapi mereka malas. boleh tak saya dapatkan mcmana cara2 anak2 puan belajar eg. dalam sehari berapa jam, mcmana caranya nak tumpukan pelajaran dlm kelas dll. mungkin anak2 puan mmg genius tapi saya cuma harap dapatkan sedikit tips utk menolong anak2 saya utk menanggani masalah mereka yg malas itu. Puan boleh ajar saya buat jadual tak? terima kasih dan saya tumpang bangga dengan kejayaan anak2 puan. terima kasih.

wanshana said...


Terima kasih kerana mengikuti blog saya, dan maaf sebab dah lama sungguh tak update!

Anak-anak saya pun sama juga - kadang-kadang tu, kalau tak bersuruh, memang tak berbuat. Adat anak-anak - biasanya memang macam tu :)

Sebenarnya saya tak ada cara yang spesifik dalam membimbing anak-anak ni sebab ketiga-tiga Hanna, Hasya and Hilman mempunyai personaliti dan karakter yang berbeza. Jadi cara untuk menggalakkan diorang pun sememangnya berbeza. Orang kata kita tak boleh beza-bezakan antara anak-anak kita, kan? Tapi, saya percaya kadang-kadang kita perlu bezakan pendekatan kita bergantung kepada personaliti dan karakter anak-anak.

Ada anak-anak-anak yang memang go-getter, and tak payah bersuruh. Dia very independent dan tahu apa yang perlu dibuat untuk berjaya dalam exam,etc. Untuk anak-anak ni, kita cuma perlu pantau dan beri sokongan berterusan. Kalau cara dia belajar memberi kesan positif, kita biarkan dengan cara dia. Tak kiralah kalau dia nak belajar sambil dengar lagu ke, tengok TV ke, berinternet ke, etc!

Sesetengah anak pulak memang SENTIASA kena bersuruh. Bukan malas, tapi jenis yang tak kisah - very laidback. Kekadang tu, tarikh exams pun tak tau! Hehehe. So, jenis yang macam ni, kita kena monitor VERY closely and kena selalu check kerja sekolah, etc. As long as performance kat sekolah okay, kita tak boleh push sangat. Sebabnya - dah memang jenis yang laidback! Push macam mana pun, tak efektif.

Ada anak-anak yang dah sememangnya born genius. Tak belajar pun boleh score, kan? Jadi, as long as dia score, jangan risau kalau dia tak study sangat. But, of course - kena pantau his/her peformance regularly - ada peningkatan or merosot, etc, and ambil tindakan accordingly.

Saya tak kata cara saya ini yang terbaik, tapi, buat masa ini, syukur alhamdulillah that is the most effective way untuk anak-anak saya :)

Berkenaan dengan Jadual Waktu, saya tak pernah buatkan Jadual Waktu untuk anak-anak. What I normally do is saya akan minta anak-anak buatkan Jadual Waktu sendiri mengikut apa yang diorang rasa sesuai and boleh bawak. Once Jadual dah siap, they will show me for approval. Jadi, kalau ada yang saya rasa tak sesuai/over ambitious/tak mencukupi saya akan cadangkan option. Kalau diorang setuju, baru go ahead.

Kalau anak yang saya rasa memang takkan dapat nak concentrate kalau belajar lama sangat, then if dia letak study 1-2 jam sehari pun, kira dah okay dah tu :)

Sabtu and Ahad memang saya bagi they all free to enjoy - except if ada exams on Monday tu :)

PSP, PS2, PS3, Internet dan yang sewaktu dengannya, memang tak dibenarkan masa weekdays, except for Hanna - I let her use the Internet as she needs it for her assignments, etc. Of course bila dah guna internet tu, selalu lah akan berFB, berTwitter segala. But, again kena pantau. If it does not affect her studies, my policy is - she can use it.

Syukur alhamdulillah, Hanna, Hasya and Hilman selalunya memang ikut Jadual masing-masing (sebab sendiri yang susun, kan? :)

Hope this helps :)

Anonymous said...

Salam Puan, terima kasih banyak2 dan sedikit sebanyak dpt menolong saya "improve" cara saya memantau pelajaran mereka.

Saya bukan apa. Cuma saya risau sebab zaman sekarang nih mcm ramai sgt yg dapat A's nih so bila anak saya tak dapat...saya jadi risau. Yg no 2 tuh....dia berada di class yg teratas buat masa nih. No doubt dia dapat semua A utk semua matapelajaran TAPI disebabkan semua classmates dia pandai2....dgn 5 A yg markahnya 80 dan 90% tidak mencukupi utk dia menduduki tangga no yg baik. Dia berada di kedudukan 30 out of 44. Kesian juga dia. Cuma saya suruh dia lebihkan usaha for next exam.

Apa pun Puan, terima kasih sekali lagi and saya akan cuba pulak cara Puan ini. Have a joyous weekend ahead......:)