Thursday, July 28, 2011

Testing the market - my observation.

I might be wrong, but I think ALL male species at some point (or points?) in their lives will always be tempted to try and test the market - including those whom we would categorize as "pijak semut pun tak mati". Whether they would eventually be "bought" and become someone else's "property" will all depend on their niat to try the market in the first instance.

Some would be happy if they didn't get any buyers. Ada orang "tengok" pun, they're fine already, and they would pull out from the market.

Some would be thrilled if they become the object of an auction, and they would at the end of the day decide who their ultimate "owner" would be - their original "owner", or a new "owner" - depending on who would be prepared to pay the higher price for them.

Some would even WAIT to be bought, BUT, with a hope that the buyer would get bored with them, and they could go back home to their previous "owner" eventually.

Some would be waiting to be bought, and waiting to be released by their previous "owner", but alas there are no buyers interested in them.

Some probably wouldn't even realize that they were testing the market, but along the way would start to feel the thrill of having people interested in them. Some of those in this group would "develop further" and then fall under one of the categories above. But, some would get back to their senses and would pull out from the market before any new buyer could bring them home.

And some of the little piggies would go to test the market because they are just that. Pigs.

Whatever category these male species might fall into, one thing they always forget is that - a lot of female species would get hurt along the way...buyers included.

And some are hurt REALLY badly - to a point that even though at the end of the day, the male species might decide to pull out from the market, the damage has been done and the scars would be there until their dying day...

If only these male species would think with their mono head first before they decide to test the market, huh?


~ez~ said...

salam..hi akak.nice entry.nice blog.been reading few times.i found this blog tru my friend


Formerly known as Superwomanwannabe! said...

Shana..(a) tutup semua market. panggil polis FRU untuk menjaga aset yang teringin menjual diri sendiri itu- (b) sedarkan barangan itu bahawa ianya tidak boleh diperagakan atau diacah-acahkan jauh sekali di flirt flirtkan diri kepada orang kerana ianya telah dimiliki oleh seorang isteri dan beberapa orang anak yang senantiasa memerhati gelagatnya (c) percaya kepada Allah kadang kadang barang substandard ni biarkan pergi...

(Saya Professor tak bertauliah)

Intanterpilih said...

nice entry Kak Shana....very true

IBU said...

Alamak Shana... I kena check la bawah tapak kaki Saba, ada semut yg mati ke tak?


Anonymous said...

Brilliant.. very true indeed..

wanshana said...

Salam ~ez~,

Thank you, and maaf for this very late response! Have been bogged down with so many things and tak sempat nak jenguk blog akan yang dah bersawang ni... Selamat Berpuasa (not too late, kan? :))

wanshana said...


Hahaha! You never fail to make me laugh la, dear :))) But, I agree with every single word you said, especially the 'barang sub-standard' part ;)

wanshana said...


Thank you... Tergerak to write this after hearing so many horror stories about broken marriages out there lately which more often than not were caused by men like this... :( (and of course the perempuan gedik and gatal who tangoed with them).

wanshana said...


Hahaha... Baik you check. Dia selalu sakit kaki pepagi tu sebab kena gigit semut yang dia pijak yang tak mati kot?! LOL!!

wanshana said...

Anonymous @1:17pm,

Thank you. Very true and very scary actually...

NalisaMiharbi™ said...

Hi, I chanced upon your blog through a link from someone else's blog. An interesting read, this entry.

Just to add, among such species of men, there are those who test the market hoping that they still get to stay with their original owner as well as accept the new buyer.

Alas, due to their greediness their dreams were shattered. They lost both but end up bought by the worst species of a woman albeit younger and more bergetah.

Although much younger women may thrill them but these men forget, most of these younger species are also out to suck them dry and eventually 'kill' them with their unreasonable demands and expectations.

When this is the case, justice is done and well-served to the market tester ;D

Lee said...

Hi Wanshana, just dropped by to wish you and family all the very best for the coming hari raya.
Selamat hari raya, and keep a song in your heart.
Best regards.
ps, love your this posting. My kind of subject.