Thursday, February 7, 2008


GONG XI FA CHAI to all my Chinese friends, and all bloghoppers.

May the Year of the Rat bring Joy, Love, Prosperity and Everything Great to All.

A Very Special Greetings to our next door neighbours, The Kangs, (but, I doubt they read this!) who, from time to time have been our supplier of fresh fish and seafood over the years. Mr. Kang is a fish tauke at Pasar Borong Selayang and Mrs. Kang helps him with the management and the accounts of the business. Mind you, they only give the best, the freshest, and the most expensive fish to us (FOC!) - the likes of Black Cod Fish, the huge Bawal Hitam, and Bawal Emas, Tiger and King Prawns, Sea Breams, and so many more which I don't know the names! They have also kept an eye on our house during the times when we only came back to SD just for the weekends and when we were away in the UK for a year at one time.

Thank you for being a great neighbour.



IBU said...

Uwaaaaa.... patut la ikan sama udang dekat tempat saya keleja taler laku wooo... Lupanya lu sula aler supplier hor? Good, good....

Nanti bila buat BBQ utk kasi panas itu lumah balu ahhh... lu boleh bawak ikan bakar la hor? Good, good...

Ayah oso home oredi? Good, good....

wanshana said...


Mau cilita siket aaahh...

Itu hali wa pigi lu punya timpat kilija aaa, mau beli itu ikan aaa...wa mau timbang aaa, wa kena balatur dakat limabelat minit wooo!

Lipas (????!!!) itu aaaa, lu punya staf suluh gua (???!!! SULUH?! HAHAHA!) balatur timpat lain. Lipas itu wa pigi balatur timpat lain laaa! Lipas itu aaaa, bila sampai wa punya turn mau timbang itu ikan aaaa, dia olang suluh gua (SULUH lagi sekali???!!) balik itu timpat mula-mula wooo...Wa manyak naik angin wooo! Saja mau bagitau lu...

Anyway, BBQ untuk panas itu lumah aaaa, wa bakat itu kambing gulun laaa...sebab itu time aaa, wa sulah talak duduk sebelah lumah Mr. Kang - sulah talak dapat ikan free maaaa...

Lagi satu - itu Tuan Loktor mau tanya - bila mau pigi itu Led Box lagi?! Tuan Loktor manyak gatai itu tangan mau pigang itu mike...


IBU said...

Aiya Shana,

Like that arr? Maaaaanyak soli! Wa ingat arr... next time wa tulun kasi timbang sendiri untuk lu la ha? Lamai olang ka itu hali? Wa ingat olang suma sula balik kampung woo...

Itu led box session, kena tunggu datin kasi organise balu jalan. hahaha... lain suma manyak tak boleh pakai. Meanwhile, tuan lokter kasi sapu mopiko lulu la hor? kasi kulang gatai... hahahaha....


wanshana said...

Aiya Ibu...

Talak lamai olang puunnn... Itu timbang munya mesen aaaa, manyak ploblem - lua-lua timpat wooo...

And wa lasa aaaa, itu mopiko talak bule jalan munya...Tuan lokter munya gatai manyak tulok wooo...Mau pakai itu steloid extla power maaa...

And aiyaaa...Itu Latin aaa - mana pigi? Manyak senyap?

Cheers to you, too, Ibu ;)