I wasn't planning anything special this year as Ayah had requested for just a quiet night at home with the kids. And respecting his request, I abandoned my earlier plan to either have a small gathering with family and friends at home, or a night out with the kids and Mak and Ayah's siblings and in-laws, and nephews and nieces. I even told Mak and my SIL about this - just in case they were expecting the normal night-out celebration this year.
However, an SMS from my SIL came at about 10:00a.m yesterday morning which read -
"Morng. I think Angah chngd hs mind 4 2nite. He said he does x mind going out. I was pullg his leg jz now. So, he asks me 2 ask u. Hw? We r ok either way."
I called Ayah at work, just to make sure if he REALLY didn't mind going out, and he said -
"It's ok, but, it's up to you. I can't be organizing my own birthday do, can I? (Hehehe! No, Ayah - you can't!). I guess I was just too tired the other day... And I was just thinking, I have not seen Mak today - it's my birthday and all. So, it's up to you. But, I don't want you to cook, etc. We'll just go out for dinner then?"
And I started calling out a few places to make reservations for the night. Settled.
We went to the new house in the afternoon as Hilman's study table and chair were to be delivered between 1:30pm - 2:00pm. Hilman had been looking forward to this. The rest of his bedroom set were actually delivered 2 weeks ago, but, the study table and the chair were out of stock. And Hilman had been waiting and waiting, and for the past 2 weeks he kept on asking - "Mommy, when am I getting my table and chair?!" (at least 3 times a day!). Needless to say, I was also looking forward to the delivery!
The partly assembled study table and chair arrived at 2:15pm, and by 3:00pm everything was set up and Hilman's bedroom set was complete.
Hilman trying out his new study table
Hilman on his new bed.
Hmmmm...doesn't matter if it was Hasya's or Hilman's bed - he still gets pushed out of it by Hasya... Sigh...
Later, father and son played footie outside. As his back was still not fully recovered, Ayah could not kejar the bola sangat, or so he said. Excuses... excuses...Hahaha!
Hmmmmm...if only Ayah didn't have slipped disc...we could've seen his incredible dribbling skills....NOT! Hehehe!
Watch out, Ayah!!!
We went back to SD and got ready for the outing and left for The Curve right after Maghrib. Reached It***an*ies at 8:00pm on the dot. True to It***an*ies motto/ad line - SO GOOD, SO MUCH, SO SHARE - everybody found the food good, the portion humongous, and so, everybody shared their orders. Even then, there were still a lot of left-overs at the end of dinner!
After dinner, it was Karaoke time, and off we went to R*d B*x! The whole clan consists of 7 adults and 7 kids - the oldest being Mak (at 67), and the youngest being Q*dri ( 1 1/2 years old!). We were there from 9:55p.m until nearly 1:00 a.m. (I just hope Hasya will not tell teacher D*da about the Karaoke thingy like she did before...Hehehehe!)
All in all, I think everybody had fun - especially the Birthday Boy. Give Ayah a Karaoke mic anytime and he'd be one very happy boy laaaa! Hahaha!
So much for "a quiet night at home with the kids", eh Ayah?!!"
Here are some pics.
Sedapnya bila tengok food kat meja!!!??.. Looks delicious. Ini yang buat tak sabar nak balik.
Since you ada garden kat rumah tu, boleh le train your son jadi footballer. Mana tahu, kot-kot ada bakat terpendam. Pepaham ajelah.. nowaday pro-footballer earn more than a surgeon!!:. wink..wink.. So, tak payah (as parents) kerja membanting tulang siang malam nak cari duit..he.he.he... eergghh.. good future investment!!
Nice bedroom..
Well, you know la - Malaysia is synonym with great food what!
It's okay - another 4 months or so to go before you can stuff yourself silly with all the Char Kuey Teows, Sotong Kangkung, Gulai Tempoyak and all!
Hmmmm...somehow I can't imagine Hilman as a footballer. Kalau tengok his badan, rugger - yes. But, footballer - no.
Kalau masuk EPL or Serie A or the Spanish League, etc tu, memang la earning big money. Tapi, kalau masuk Liga Malaysia - buat peghabih bogheh ajo...
Yes - Hilman chose the bedroom set himself. And we think he made the right choice indeed.
(Sekarang Hasya and Hilman dok sibuk suruh paint their rooms' feature walls la pulak...)
You mention gulai tempoyak je, I dah start thinking where to find one masa lunch nanti!
Turning 40 is a big deal, huh? Konon nak keep it quiet... I'm sure he appreciated what you did. Eh, silap pandang, muka husband you macam muka Mukhriz lah! Hee.. hee... !
Btw, budak umur 1 1/2 tahun boleh bawak pegi Red Box ke? How do you keep him quiet while we sing? Dia tak restless ke? Wah... kalau boleh bagi tips ni kat I, boleh I bawak Nizzar pegi karaoke! Hooray! (then I won't feel so guilty about leaving him behind, you see...)
ok i missed Mr Ayah's birthday posting but never too late a wish to make.
Happy Belater birthday, sir. I tell you my man, Pisces are bunch of clever people. hehehehe...
hilman- nice bedroom. I'd go nuts thinking about the exact date to move in.
Kak Shana, if you ever bump in a smart-looking guy (pisces) on yellow wheelchair @Curve, that could well be me. Jangan segan nak tegur.
Susah nak cari authentic Perak-style gulai tempoyak kat KL ni. If you happen to find one, please let me know, eh?
Errr, memang silap pandang tu! Hehehe! Ayah looks like Mukhriz @ Hang Jebat?! Interesting, but, no - don't think so :)
(Un)fortunately, sempena umur dah masuk 40 ni, Ayah has decided to make himself look 10 years younger!(And I'm not going to elaborate on this here. It deserves a posting of its own, I think. So, watch this space. Hehehe!)
If you want to bring Nizzar or any small kids to RB, make sure you book the room with an attached toilet. Senang - no need to keluar masuk the room with the kids.
We just let the lil' toddler run free around the room, and every now and then we let him have the mic and sing! There was also a PS2 in the room for the kids.
IT WAS FUN! You should try that with Nizzar ;)
Thanks on Ayah's behalf.
Yep, you clever lot (ye ke?!) and not forgetting hopeless romantics, sensitive, artistic Pisceans - and I'm not complaining. Just my type. Hehehe!
For the moment Hilman is fine with just going to the new house on Sundays. I think because the bulk of his Hot Wheels collection are still very much all over our house in SD :)
So, The Curve is your lepak spot, eh? I'll definitely tegur you if we bump into each other, insya Allah. Wigs or no wigs, I can definitely recognize you. Hahaha!
Take care, Kerp.
Happy B'day Haizal!!! Semoga dipanjang umur, dimurahkan rezeki.. wishing you lots of happiness/good health/iman..
Fifi, Abar, Adam, Farah x
Ada PS2 room? That's interesting! The one at Pavillion ada tak PS2?
Funnily, my husband went through the same phase when he turned 40 dulu. He changed his dressing style, the music he listened to, the car... Quite strange, but he said turning 40 was a BIG deal for him.
Don't you feel the same? I do, in my own little ways...
Shana, Happy' Birthday, to ur husband. Sorry terlambat wish. Mesti seronok get-together reramai kan. Semoga sentiasa dilimpahi rahmat dan berbahagia selalu.
Happy Belated Birthday to Ayah. Semoga panjang umur & tambah murah rezeki...
Bila nak pindah rumah ni?
Hi Shana..Tuan Doktor dah masuk geng 40 dulu ya...Slamat panjang umur..murah rezeki..Ape tu..nak tukar imej..jeng-jeng...camano lak ghupe nye..
And looking at the choice of colour pada bilik anak bujang tu ...so white ..as of..so clean...takes after sapa gamaknya ni..
And Shana...kasi can..kasi can..pi la cat..bilek kakak2.dia lak...
Thank you on Haizal's behalf :)
Amin. Insya Allah.
Take care, dear.
The VIP Room @ Pavillion RB should have PS2 I should think.
Ayah has not changed his dressing style, the music he listens to, nor his car - so far.
Instead he has done something which he had been waiting to do for the last 3 1/2 years, and the day he turned 40 seemed to be the perfect opportunity to do it.
Watch this space! ;)
As for me, I'll be joining the club in 2 months time, insya Allah. So far, tak ade la pulak anxiety attacks, etc. Hopefully the day will just come and go unnoticed :)
Thank you, and Ayah says thank you, too. He'll try to post a comment to thank everyone for the birthday wishes soon, insya Allah.
Yes, memang seronok bila dah ramai-ramai tu...Tapi, tak boleh la buat selalu pegi Karaoke ni. Hehehe!
Oh ya, congratulations to your cousin for his appointment as the new Perak MB. You all must be very proud of him. Semoga dipermudahkan pentadbiran negeri under him, insya Allah.
Take care :)
Thank you on Ayah's behalf.
Amin. Insya Allah.
Bila nak pindah rumah?! Hmmmm...Soalan cepumas ni. Hehehe! Tak boleh nak jawab lagi.
Thank you. Amin. Insya Allah.
Hmmmm...nak tukar image ni nak kena panggil Norma Norrele la pulak nanti. Hahaha!
No lah... No drastic changes. But, he had mintak izin anak-anak dan isteri sebelum tu... Sweet of him :)
Hilman punya bilik tu white and clean because belum occupy betul-betul lagi tu! Tunggulah nanti sebulan lepas pindah...
Anyway, all the paintwork will only be done once the reno work is done, insya Allah. Meaning - LAAAAAMMMAAAA lagi!
When I woke up last Sat, I asked myself why I was not so excited. Most people would, I'm sure, as they enter their 5th decade...which then marks the beginning of a 'new era'. Ya lah..life begins at 40 kaaannn...
Now, when I woke up that morning...I didn't feel I was turning 40...in fact, it was more like I skipped 2 decades and reached 60! Ya lah...my back still hurts and my memory is failing me! Haha.. :D
Anyway, tq so much for the bday wishes...to Mior, Shila, Kmar, Kak Ena, BJ, Kerp, Fifi, Azian, Mamamia & Eta. And of course, a big loving tq to my dearest wife for never failing to make an ordinary day very extraordinary and special for me. Hope to spend many-many more bdays together...(but have to find other k-ok places laa..Hehe)
It's either your memory or your mathematical skill which is failing you, dear. Entering your FIFTH decade?!! Errr...biar betul?! Hahaha!
The pleasure was all mine, my dear. Hope you had a great time surrounded by your family on your birthday.
Another karaoke place? Tak payah susah-susah. Kat rumah baru nanti boleh buat AV cum Karaoke room. What say you? ;)
(And I could see your eyes lit up at the thought of having a personal melalak spot with 24/7 access at home...)
Dear WS & Ayah
Happy birthday.. The BIG Four-Oh
I'll be reaching that figure soon though, dont feel like it yet, still feel like 21...:)
Thank you :)
"Still feel like 21"?! You wished! Hahaha!
It's okay. Yang penting - young at heart, right? After all 40 is just a number. And even if Ayah 100 years old pun, I would still think he's hebat ;)
So, your b'day's around the corner? I'll be waiting for a posting on that.
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