Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cupcakes 101... :)

Salams and Hi, y'all :)

Guess what? Our cupcakes project? Well, we actually went ahead with it last Sunday. Sungguh tidak percaya! :)

Thank God I didn't have to go out and get myself a new oven, or a new mixer because I found out that my 6-year-old Microwave could actually be used to bake cupcakes, cakes and the likes, too. This, I found out after 6 years of just using its re-heating and de-frosting functions, and also using the normal microwave function to cook my Honeyed Chicken Casserole and Bread and Butter Pudding. Should have known that if I could cook those stuff in it, baking should not be a problem, kan? Well, that's just me. Kalau dah tak minat, no point to probe further into things which have no relevance to my life. Hehehe!

And neither did I have to get a new mixer, as I suddenly remembered that I had an electric Mixer set which we bought 14 years ago to blend/mash up Hanna's food when she started on solids! The mixer was then boxed up and stashed away on top of my kitchen cabinet 10 years ago and I totally forgot about it!

Anyway, with the microwave checked, and the mixer checked, I still didn't have a proper Mixing Bowl. So, last Saturday, the kids and I made a trip to IKEA and bought a bowl, together with other baking utensils which we thought might come in handy. The kids basically had a field day choosing what to buy, etc.

I was also looking for a kitchen scale - the simple one, but, they only had the digital scale which costs RM99/=. I NEARLY bought that thing when it dawned on me that it would be such a waste if my interests in baking were to dwindle even before I started with the first project!

So, armed with a recipe book (which I also didn't know I had!) the kids and I chose a simple recipe (which didn't really use complicated measurement), and the results can be seen here :)

We had fun - that's the most important thing!

And we didn't burn the kitchen down ;)


ibu,mommy,mom... said...

Finally:)Yay And pictures tak ada ke?

D.N.A.S said...

Seronoknya.... Raya tahun ni mesti buat kek sendiri...

KG said...


wanshana said...

Ibu, Mommy, Mom...

Gooootttt... You can click on "here" in the third last paragraph and you'll be linked to my FB photos :)



Wanna bet?!! Hehehe! Raya lepas pencen kot...



Alamak... Malunya kat you!!! Here I am feeling so excited about my Vanilla Cupcakes and Chocolate Frosting, and you can do all these tutup mata ajer! Hehehe!

IBU said...

Aiseyman.... lambat 4 days jer... Read the earlier posting re insufficient tools, etc. Was about to drop a comment - hey...drop by at Tesco, baking section, most needs under one roof. Better still in Tesco Rawang, coz then can have the baking session in a house in Rawang, can use an oven there which has been untouched since whenever.... then can eat ramai2, and drink teh tarik ramai2, then nanyi ramai2, borak2 sampai mengantuk tapi taknak tidur2.

But 4 days a bit too late...


Oh well... the house is still there. The oven is still barely touched. And Rawang Tesco is open till midnite. So any weekend babe.... Any weekend.....

ila de cute said...

wah kak shana, bravo bravo...

DeLinn said...

salam kak

came across your blog and kind of like it.

anyway, how do u microwave roasted or casserole chicken? care to teach me? Me too normally used it for reheat and defrost purposes only, hehehe
